Comments on Item Resale Value in Feedback and Suggestions

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Xialthia's Avatar

Awesome. Most of the community is fantastic, but all it takes is one stinker to dissuade someone new. So I like to watch out for loopholes, thus my dragon talon example. As for helping rebalance some hoards, I know retired things like dragon's blood can be swapped for premium currency. So why not extend it to the more "premium" items as a shop? Like the items sold during seasonal sales but only as a turn in. It'll give new players use for items they may not need for a long time and an incentive for old players to decrease any item saturation. Oldies get the benefit of pampering their favorite imports and maybe even get ahold of what is normally a $/Staff credit purchase, and newbies shrugging about what to do with all these breeding items when they aren't needing them right now get some preferred loot.

2023-07-19 13:02:59