

Subtypes: Abyssal

An Unknown species, their characteristics are yet to be discovered. 


Current sub Species: 

  • ???


Subtypes: Warden, Sapiere

A species of dragon characterized as having two front limbs, two back legs, and wings. 


Current Sub species:

  • Warden Dragon 
  • Sapiere Dragon


Subtypes: Ridgewalker

A species of dragon characterized as having two front limbs, two back legs, and no wings. They do not have long bodies.


Current Sub species:

  • Ridgewalker


Subtypes: Greater

A species of dragon characterized as having two front limbs, two back legs, no wings, and a long body. More detailed information on them can be found HERE!


Current Sub species:




A species of dragon characterized as being small, from sizes that can fit in your pocket, to the size of a large dog. They can appear as other species such as wyverns or drakes, but they are tiny. 


Current Sub species:

  • ???


Visual Trait Index
Subtypes: Stalker, Ravager

A species of dragon characterized by having two legs and wings, but no front limbs.


Current Species:

  • Stalker Wyvern
  • Ravager Wyvern


Subtypes: Rayfin
9 results found.