team sister squad part 2

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The canyon came into view as the opening was wide with yellowish pale stones with a hint of orange too it but it was the best spot to get away from the sun that blaze down on the sandy dunes of the Scorching Wastes. The canyon cliffs loom over head with boulder's that where large and heavy. Whatever wild life that was here fly away or ran off knowing a big threats was coming. There was a dip as soon as you get to the mouth of the canyon where it was all shade from the sun. The ground here was cooler and not hot but still could be death trap for anyone.

Isolde came to a stop in the canyon and look back. She could see Krios mad running tower them blind by sand in his eyes but she did notice he seem to follow them by sound and that was a good thing. Luring him that could fight him batter and just maybe take him down.

"So what the plan sis? He coming in hot and we should act sooner or later." Hecate look at her. Her eyes showed she was ready for a fight and and her sisters know that by now.

"Look over are heads." she pointed up.

Kalda, Hecate and Agash look up to see the boulder's looming over head ready to fall if one to slam into the walls of the canyon and be trap under boulder's of large rocks but that is if that could not take him down that will go with that plan that Isolde came up with.

"If he will not go down so easily then we will use what is around us as are weapons and fight."

Kalda look over her back to see him drawing closer and look at Isolde. "So we fight?" she asked.

"That we do." Agash said as she got into the canyon. "Come on you three." she grinned as she look around getting ideas. "As soon as he enter the canyon we hit him with all we got from are breaths as are first attack here."

"I like the sound of this idea." Kalda got behind a boulder and look over to see her other sisters did the same. She look to the mouth of the canyon to see sand dust going flying as Krios came to a stop. What was he waiting for? Kalda wonder as she watch him.

He could smell them but yet could not pin pointed where that where. He try to open his eyes but the sand in his eyes burn with pain as does his wounds but he focus on trying to find the four dragons who attack him. He snorted the only thing he could do was attack randomly around him and listen for claws. So he just did that spitting out lighting that reach out as far as it could.

Hecate jump back a bit as it almost got her but that when she attack back and hope her sisters follow in turn. She let lose her ice breath at Krios side.

He felt the cold icy breath hit his side to his left no right no both left and right. Growling that all where hitting him at the same time.

Kalda, Agash and Isolde follow her there sister hitting Krios with a blast of icy cold breath. With being in the shade and away from the blazing sun the ice did not melt as fast but it seem to slow Krios down a lot.

Kalda stop and pointed out Krios mouth.

Agash saw what she was pointing and want to growl but kept her growl back as she duck just in time as Krios icy breath came over her head and on the canyon wall. That was close Agash thought as she look back over at her sister. She watch as Kalda duck in time from the attack.

Isolde saw the icy breath coming tower her and she duck behind her boulder but the boulder itself was now freezing and the icyness creep onto her front leg freezing her to the boulder. She panic and try to break it off but could not as she stop and listen as she heard him coming around the boulder.

Hecate saw that and had stop using her breath and jump on Krios back seeing her sister was stuck and need open window to get away so she battle with the drake as she bite down on his neck and hold on with her claws as she felt Krios try to buck her off his back. Looking to see her sister try to break herself free but she really did seem like she was stuck.

Agash and Kalda watch as there mad sister jump onto the back of the drake and bite down and grip on him to keep him busy and finding there stuck sister. The two rush over to help as bast as that could using rocks to get it to break. That both hope Hecate would keep Krios busy so that could save there sister from the icy hold on her.

Krios had try to claw at Hecate but it was not easy as she was on his back and her teeth gripping his neck. When he get hold of her he will make her pay dearly for this. He felt blood running down his neck now and swing himself at her but just kept on missing and felt her weight change as she avoid his attack. That when he fall over on his side now to try and get her to let go but still she held on him still. "You whelps will pay for this." he hears the sound of rocks hitting ice but he could not do anything until he dealt with the dragon on his back.

Isolde got free from her icy grip on her and growls at the now fallen over Krios. "Kalda get ready and Hecate get ready to jump back." she said as she look at Kalda who was now next to her and ready.

Hecate watch as she saw what her sister was up too. would this stop him for good? Hecate had to make sure she was ready to jump back in time even with her left side pin she would get herself free.

Both sister then use there wind breath to move the boulder that groan a bit as that both work to get it going. Not giving up that kept at it until the the boulder start to roll.

Krios heard a sound coming tower him as he was confuse as to what it was but felt Hecate get free and was gone and even before he could get up he strike back down by the boulder.

All four watch to see if he was moving or breathing as that stay on guard. He was still alive that saw his sides rise and fall and deep growl from him. He was not done yet.

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team sister squad part 2
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In Events: General ・ By purpleshadowboosterContent Warning: a bit of blood




Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Personal bonus + 1
Story Event + 4
1169 words + 11
<b>Total = 20</b>


<b>Entry rolls gain points.</b> + 0
Events (annual and Story) + 15
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
Extra Dragon (4) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
<b>Total = 24</b>

Submitted By purpleshadowbooster for AoT Phase 2: Torched Path
Submitted: 2 years and 1 month agoLast Updated: 2 years and 1 month ago

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