Take This!

Created: 7 October 2022, 20:09:29 CDT
Last updated: 7 October 2022, 20:09:29 CDT

Hey you! Yes, you. Take this! I’m sure it will be useful for your adventures! In your hands you look down expecting something amazing and instead just see a faintly glowing rock. It has no magic on it except for the glow. Ugh. During your adventures there are lots of things that others give in hopes of helping you! Sometimes they are very useful, and othertimes they are a bit less so.

Depict your dragon having been given a ‘useful’ item for their adventures! Have they been given a potion that when drunk turns them entirely pink? Maybe a sword that hurls insults at your opponent. It’s too dull to cut anything, but who needs physical damage when you can deal emotional damage! Perhaps you have been simply given a pumpkin. It doesn’t do anything- but you now have it? Maybe the item given is actually useful and is exciting to receive.