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The Community Market is a great place to get new dragons, sell your dragons, items, etc, however it comes with it's needed PSA of dangers as well. Keep these in mind when you interact with the market!

Always Buy and Sell Defensively!

You can't always be 100% sure you will get the payment or the product. We can't help you get the payment if something goes wrong, and encourage you to make sure you read Paypal's terms and services as well the options to get your money back if you don't get your product. If the deal is for a trade or artwork/literature, there's not a lot we can do. We can give the offending party a ban from our server and in terms of trade, we can just outright force the trade of the goods if it is valid.

Keep screenshots of correspondence especially if you feel unsure about it! Giving us valid proof is always a good step in us being able to help you!

Be responsible and communicate!

Don't take on more work than you can do, or more than you can afford. Communicate with the other party of issues or other situations that may come up! ARPGs are a small community and in not being honest or responsible can harm you in the long run!

Be mindful about your trade values

No one likes being low balled for something that is worth quite a bit. Don't be afraid to offer, but don't use words like 'If only I had enough to afford this.' If the seller is willing to negotiate, then negotiate! You might have something they want!

If you are ever concerned about the safety of the community because of a member or a transaction you had occur, please feel free to reach out to staff!

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